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How to order a hashtable in PowerShell

How to order a hashtable in PowerShell

In PowerShell, a hashtable is a data structure that stores key-value pairs.

By default, the items in a hashtable are not stored in any particular order.

However, you can create an "ordered" hashtable in PowerShell by using the Ordered parameter when creating the hashtable.

An ordered hashtable is a hashtable that maintains the order of the keys as they are added to the hashtable. This means that when you iterate over the keys in an ordered hashtable, the keys will be returned in the same order that they were added to the hashtable.

Here is an example of how to create an ordered hashtable in PowerShell:

# Create an ordered hashtable
$hashtable = [ordered]@{
    "key1" = "value1"
    "key2" = "value2"
    "key3" = "value3"

# Print the keys and values in the hashtable
foreach ($key in $hashtable.Keys) {
    Write-Host "$key = $($hashtable[$key])"

In this example, the [ordered] keyword is used when creating the hashtable to specify that the hashtable should be ordered. The keys and values are then added to the hashtable using the @{} syntax. Finally, a foreach loop is used to iterate over the keys in the hashtable and print the key-value pairs.

When you run this code, the keys and values in the hashtable will be printed in the order that they were added to the hashtable. This is because the [ordered] keyword causes the hashtable to maintain the order of the keys as they are added. Without the [ordered] keyword, the keys and values in the hashtable would be printed in a random order.


In PowerShell, a hashtable is a data structure that stores key-value pairs. By default, the items in a hashtable are not stored in any particular order. However, you can create an "ordered" hashtable in PowerShell by using the Ordered parameter when creating the hashtable.

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