The Python "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'" occurs when the numpy
module is not installed before it is imported, or it is installed in the incorrect environment. To solve the error, install the numpy
module by running the pip install numpy
To fix this, open the terminal in your project's root directory and intall the numpy
# 👇️ using Python 2
pip install numpy
# 👇️ using Python 3
pip3 install numpy
# 👇️ if you get a permissions error, use this command and then enter the password for your machine
sudo pip3 install numpy
# 👇️ if you don't have pip in your PATH environment variable
# using Python 2omes
python -m pip install numpy
# using Python 3
python3 -m pip install numpy
# 👇️ for Anaconda
conda install -c anaconda numpy
After installing numpy
, try importing it and using it to see if it works.
import numpy as np
example = np.array([1, 2, 3, 4])
>> [1 2 3 4]
If you are using a Python virtual environment, make sure you are installing numpy
into your virtual environment and not into your global environment. The global environment can be accessed by opening the terminal.
The Python "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'numpy'" occurs when the numpy
module is not installed before it is imported, or it is installed in the incorrect environment. To solve the error, install the numpy
module by running the pip install numpy
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