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How to drop duplicate columns in Pandas

How to drop duplicate columns in Pandas

To drop duplicate columns in a Pandas DataFrame, you can use the following code:
df = df.loc[:,~df.columns.duplicated()].copy()

Here is how this code works:

  • The df.columns attribute is used to get a list of all the columns in the DataFrame.
  • The duplicated() method is called on this list of columns to identify any duplicate columns.
  • The ~ operator is used to invert the logical values returned by the duplicated() method. This means that the ~df.columns.duplicated() expression will evaluate to True for columns that are not duplicates, and False for columns that are duplicates.
  • The loc attribute is used to subset the DataFrame, using the ~df.columns.duplicated() expression as a filter to select only the columns that are not duplicates.
  • The copy() method is called on the resulting DataFrame to create a new DataFrame object with the duplicate columns removed.
  • The resulting DataFrame is assigned to the df variable, overwriting the original DataFrame.

How to remove duplicated indexes

Use the following code to remove duplicated indexes.
df = df.loc[~df.index.duplicated(),:].copy()
  • The df.index attribute is used to get a list of all the indices (i.e. row labels) in the DataFrame.
  • The duplicated() method is called on this list of indices to identify any duplicate rows.
  • The ~ operator is used to invert the logical values returned by the duplicated() method. This means that the ~df.index.duplicated() expression will evaluate to True for rows that are not duplicates, and False for rows that are duplicates.
  • The loc attribute is used to subset the DataFrame, using the ~df.index.duplicated() expression as a filter to select only the rows that are not duplicates.
  • The copy() method is called on the resulting DataFrame to create a new DataFrame object with the duplicate rows removed.
  • The resulting DataFrame is assigned to the df variable, overwriting the original DataFrame.

How to remove duplicate columns by checking values

Use the following code:
df = df.loc[:,~df.apply(lambda x: x.duplicated(),axis=1).all()].copy()
  • The apply() method is called on the DataFrame, with a lambda function as the argument. This lambda function takes a column (x) as input and returns a boolean value indicating whether the values in that column are all duplicates of each other (using the duplicated() method on the column).
  • The all() method is called on the resulting Series of boolean values to determine if all the columns in the DataFrame have duplicate values.
  • The ~ operator is used to invert the logical value returned by the all() method. This means that the ~df.apply(lambda x: x.duplicated(),axis=1).all() expression will evaluate to True for columns that are not all duplicates, and False for columns that are all duplicates.
  • The loc attribute is used to subset the DataFrame, using the ~df.apply(lambda x: x.duplicated(),axis=1).all() expression as a filter to select only the columns that are not all duplicates.
  • The copy() method is called on the resulting DataFrame to create a new DataFrame object with the duplicate columns removed.
  • The resulting DataFrame is assigned to the df variable, overwriting the original DataFrame.

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